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hi my name is diyana call me diy and i'm twelve this year.

i use cbox.

i'd love to do a link exchange, tag if you want to be listed here.

layout: Sheryl

well..just wanna tell about today..im sorry for not updating blog everydayy (;

in the morning ..i was on my way to school..and i can smell fresh blood..i dont knw where it came from..then..i smell the smell of metal..and i hate it..after few minutes..the smell it gone..weird aite? XD

yeahh! sanang kan buat friendster layout sendiri with the tips from N XD haha
p/s: dun hate her cause u aint her XD
HAHAHAHAHAHHA..thats what they all say..dun hate him/her cause u aint him/her

yea yea yeaa! tadie practice dikir..tuii! aku banyak mentals \m/ then the thing makes me smile is (: im chosen to be tukang selawat arah dikir bebeh!! haahhaha

itu saja hari ini..
assalammualaikum (: bye2
p/s: kebudayaan bernegara dengan berzikir (: thats what my teacher said


a poem for you..
A promise of yes that does turn to no,
is a sad and painful review.
It runs through your mind, thoughts bad and unkind,
self doubt displaces the truth.

You tend to accept your inner most faults
instead of just looking toward pain.
You beat yourself down, your head to the ground
the feeling just drives you insane.

So if you give your word, a promise to one,
prepare to make it come true .
For if you turn sour, change your mind in the hour
then you're painting the others world blue.


so sorrayy (; im inactive grr! hahaha.. xD
im inactive.. (;


he goes
)'= so..just soo sad! HHAHAHAH...jk

soo aauddi is going to singapore tonight at 7pm ): HAHAHAHHAA.. and and after he arrived at singapore he told me that he is going to LONDON!!! L-O-N-D-O-N!! hahahahha...and he is coming back on the 22nd of april..urgh! ur so lucky aauddi!! aaaaaaa ..XD aauddi will not be going to school for 23 days..DAMN IT! hahaha..gosh aauddi i hope i was u xD hahahahha


i almost forgot


happy belated birthday wardina!! (:

psst psst! wardina..shafie cakap kau kiot..HAHHAHAHAHAH...kiddin XD


HAHA..cant believe
gosh! HAHA..cant belive it soo much..HAHAH..okay lets start sekolah pagi! haha..sekolah pagi..ketua class(monitor class) si aaudi zakhwan..XD haha..penolong nya (monitor class assistant) ITS ME!! hahaha..okayy g kulah pagi..sdh biasaa! haha..now kulah ugama lagie XD cikgu ikhram..new teacher class..cigu nurul sdh pindah XD GAAA..hahahaha..okay pastu cigu pilih yang lelaki class monitor sii...jeng jeng jeng..SI ZHARIF! hahahaha..bukanya apa..psl suaranya bsr ..HHAHA..then nya cigu..kalau perempuan siapa? hhaa..semua tunjuk zuhairah and me! hahaha..so nya cikgu..siapa perempuan suaranya bsr bnr? then semua kwn ku tunjuk aku..and i was like..what the...*kambangs idung* HAHAHHAHAA.. then nya cigu..penolong ketua class...sii..DIYANA..and semua org was liike 'yoseh diy' ..and i was like..idung ku kambang brabis..malu ku tu eh..HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAH..and i was like..YEAHH!! WOOHOOO!! YEAHH!! HAHAHAHA..kambangs2..HAHAH..soo..haha! .. so si umi pindah dpn lgi..and si anneef was kira beside me..but jauh sikit..HAHAHa..and ia was kan becalie2 but i laugh jua..setupyd! haha XD xD XD and when ia becali and i dun laugh..ia mcm ckp sendiri wah! haha..tu th ku ketawa..xD he was like HAHAHA..hard to explain XD haha..thats all for todayy!


sorry readers!! sort off inactive! INACTIVE .. I-N-A-C-T-I-V-E !! ahahahaha..okayy...aku mintaa maaf kerana tidak update blog iniii XD

sorry for not updating this blog aa...SO SORRY ..ahaha..i had no storyy... gaga..

okiee..thats aalll =) take cares....XD
